Sunday, December 30, 2012

Introduction Week: Camp 18 and an Elephant Gun?

Introduction Week: December 24, 2012 to December 30th, 2012:

Here we are, our last day in 2012! For me, it has been a crazy year! But it has also been a really good year! I am excited to see what 2013 has in store for me! 

Throughout 2013 you will see posts of new things I will be doing every week, I am calling it the "52 Weeks of 2013" and you can follow it, by clicking on the tab above.

To start my adventure off, I decided to do a few new things as a warm up. So here is the first post of the 52 New things of 2013 (even though this is in 2012!)

Wednesday December 26, 2012:

Today, I woke up early in the morning and headed out to meet up with a good friend of mine from High School. Hannah and I have always had a great relationship and we have made it a tradition for the past few years to meet up for breakfast to catch up on each others lives. This time I decided I wanted to try something a little different. Every time I head out to the Oregon Coast I pass by a restaurant called Camp 18, which is actually a very popular and well know restaurant of the area. Well, I have never, once stopped. So I made a little road trip out to Camp 18 to have some breakfast! Man was it GOOD! The entire place is made of logs, and rock from the local area. It has beautiful wood work, and an awesome fireplace! The whole place is decked out with logging and other antiques. It really was awesome! You can read more about Camp 18 and its history here: I took some pretty cool pictures!

Friday December 28th, 2012:

Have you ever shot an elephant gun? I have! A Brno Model 602 Safari Grade 458 Lott. Did that go over your head? Don't worry, it went a little over mine too, and I love guns! Lets compare, if you have shot a shotgun before, times that by 10 and that is the recoil and force coming back on this gun! Yah, I like guns and I have shot my fair share of them! I go shooting about once a month or more and absolutely love it! But, shooting a gun of this caliber? Crazy! This gun is not even very common. But my brother works with a guy that has one, so he said he would LOVE for me to shoot it. Mainly because, I don't think many people want to! It is intimidating! It is big and has A LOT of RECOIL! Needless to say it left a little bruise!

Brno Model 602

This is the 458 Lott compared to a .223 used in an AR-15  (a much more common gun)

Here is me shooting the gun... and the result...

A pretty nasty bruise. The gun slipped when I fired and hit lower on my arm, instead of having my shoulder take the recoil. Needless to say, this is what happens when you don't hold a gun of that size correctly. But that's what learning is for. Plus, I wont be shooting that gun very often. It was a once in a life time thing. But hey, how many people can say they shot an elephant gun?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Well the World didn't END...

That's right folks, the world didn't end! 

The Mayans were wrong

Fortunately for us, that means we still have time left on this great planet we call Earth.

Over the past 31 days (from November 21st to December 21st, 2012) I have completed one new thing, everyday, that I have either never tried or done before in my life. The experience was amazing. It opened up my eyes to so many new things and has given me a new outlook on life. Moral of the story? Life is short and it is meant to be lived.

So... come 2013 I am going to be doing ONE NEW THING A WEEK DURING 2013!! So come back in 2013 to find out what I will be doing new every week throughout 2013!

Here is a list of what I accomplished in 31 days...

I saw a Psychic and got my palm read. This was very interesting, because of the vast amounts of information that she not only knew about my past... but also about my present situations! Crazy. I would strongly suggest doing this once, if even just one time your life, do it

 I ate a Thanksgiving meal prepared by New Seasons Market. If I was a food critic, I would say, NEVER do this. Not worth it.

I ate Breakfast at 3AM and went to see the Downtown Portland, Oregon Christmas Tree Lighting.
Ok, in my defense I was eating breakfast at Denny's, before lining up at different stores for Black Friday and the Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony was pretty cool. But I don't think I would go back, year after year. I guess it is just not my thing.

I saw a Live Performer at a Coffee Shop. This was very interesting, kind of nice to just sit back and listen
to some nice live music, while chugging down a delicious Hot Chocolate.

 I ate a slice of Pumpkin Cheesecake. Yah, I have never tried this before. Combining Pumpkin and Cheesecake, who is the genius who invented this and where can I met him/her?

 I braved a Taco Truck. Well, I actually like to call them "Roach Coaches", but yah never had food from a Taco Truck. I was worried I was going to get sick, but I didn't. Pretty good food too!

I got a Manicure and Pedicure. WOW! I never thought I would do this, but you know what... it is pretty amazing... the hand and foot massage... I thought for a moment I had died and gone to heaven.

I went to a restaurant and had the waitress pick out; an appetizer, entree, drink and dessert.
Drink: Blackberry Orange Twist Sprite
Appetizer: Bacon Cheese Fries
Entree: Prime Rib and Chicken Skillet
Dessert: Strawberry Cheesecake

I took a Glass Blowing Class: This was one of my more favorite things I did... it was really awesome to see how glass can be manipulated and worked with and the final result was awesome.

I visited the World's Smallest City Park: This park actually has a crazy history about leprechauns and how they live there in a colony. I would highly suggest you read more about it here:

I went to Zoo Lights at the Portland, Oregon Zoo: I have lived in the Portland area most of my life and I have NEVER gone to Zoo lights. Well, maybe I have... but it doesn't count if I have don't remember!

I participated and finished my FIRST 5K Ever: "The Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. I was #1466 and I ran for most of it, but I will admit that I did a little "speed" walking. haha. But it was still fun to participate in!

I was a Wedding Photographer. This was interesting, as I have no real photography skills. Sure I take pictures for fun, but for a wedding? Luckily I did it for free, so they couldn't complain.

I finished the 100 Push-ups in a day challenge. On 12-3-2012 I did 1 push-up for each like I got on a Facebook Post about it. I got just under 100 likes, but did 100 anyways.

I rode in a Prius for the FIRST time. Not that exciting? Well, when you don't really like the annoying little cars, it is a major feat to get into one of them!

I ate Raw Vanilla Bean from Madagascar. This was actually pretty good, sweet but a little gritty. Nice though, and an amazing smell!

I got a Hot Stone Swedish Massage. WOW, this was amazing. Full-body massages are ALWAYS wonderful!

I bought something from a store, I would normally never shop at: American Apparel. Yah I got myself a nice sweater. But I now know why I wouldn't normally shop at a store like this one... WAY TOO EXPENSIVE! WOW!

I learned how to Rivet. This was interesting and a skill that really isn't all that difficult to learn, yet EXTREMELY helpful!

I rode on the Portland Aerial Tram. This tram is pretty amazing, it goes from the waterfront of Portland all the way to OHSU hospital on the mountainside. It is amazing, because you can see most, if not all of Portland from the tram. It shakes a little and blows around with the wind... but that makes it more fun!

I took the LOVE Languages Test. There are 5 Love languages and this test shows you, which one fits you better. This is how I scored:
11 - Physical Touch
7 - Quality Time
6 - Words of Affirmation
6 - Acts of Service
0 - Receiving Gifts

So, my primary love language is apparently touch, followed by Quality Time and then ending with a tie between words of Affirmation and Acts of Service. Gifts, being a 0. Essentially I don't care about the materials things, I care about (in any relationship; friend, family or romantic) that I am around genuine people, who truly care as much about me as I do them.

Physical Touch:
A person whose primary language is Physical Touch is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, and thoughtful touches on the arm—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive.

Quality Time
In Quality Time, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Acts of Service
Can helping with homework really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most wants to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter.

Words of Affirmation
Actions don’t always speak louder than words. If this is your love language, unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Hearing the words, “I love you,” are important—hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward. Insults can leave you shattered and are not easily forgotten.

You can take your test here:

I found myself on Google Street View! This one was a lot of fun, I remembered seeing the Google Camera Car drive by in the past, and just had to pick my brain for a while to find out where.

I tried Thai Food. I had some Pad Thai. It was pretty good. I am not huge on Asian food, but I tried it. It was good. But not my favorite.

I got a straight razor shave! I regret not getting pictures of this one! But I might just have to do it another time, as the shave was amazing!
FOR 12-12-12 
I started the day, by going to Taco Bell and tried their XXL Steak Nachos and watched the Bucket List, while writing a Bucket List for 2013 (if the World didn't end)
I then went Horseback Riding and I had a Hypnosis Session!
I went on a Ghost Tour of Portland. This was a lot of fun, I got the opportunity to use an EMF reader to track down ghosts and to learn about the dark and corrupt past of the city of Portland, Oregon.
I chartered and flew in a Helicopter. Ok, this was actually a life long dream of mine to fly in a helicopter. I am so glad I did, because it was AWESOME! I want to fly in them more! Maybe I will be wealthy enough some day to have my own! I mean, they only cost $250,000. No big deal.
I went to see the Nutcracker. This was my first time seeing a professional ballet. I am sure I have seen school versions of the Nutcracker, but nothing like the real thing!
I went to see the King Tut Exhibit in Seattle, Washington. This was a lot of fun, I got to see the possessions of King Tut. But the part that I thought was really lame, is that King Tut himself was not even there!
I visited Pike Place in Seattle, Washington. This was cool, I got to see the famous "fish toss" at Pike Place Fish Market.
I visited the World's First Starbucks in Seattle, Washington. First!! What, What! Out of all the 1,000's throughout every continent in the world... I visited the place where it all started!
I took a picture at the famous Gum Wall in Seattle, Washington. Ok, this was disgusting! 
I visited the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington. After visiting this location, my brother reminded me that I had already been when I was very little. Sorry, doesn't count if I don't remember it! haha It was really fun to see one of the more famous structures from around the world!

I danced with a Peruvian Flute Band. I have always wanted to do this, ever since I saw the South Park Episode! "La Muerte Peludo" - haha if you don't get it, you don't. I also bought their CD. YES!

I was serenaded by the Dickens Carolers. This was great, amazing voices! Brought the Spirit of Christmas early!

I attended a church meeting that is different from my own. This was interesting, my church doesn't have guitars and drums and everything about it was different. But I can respect that.

First Guitar Lesson. This was fun, and I still have 3 more lessons to go. Should be pretty fun! I am honestly loving the Guitar so far. It is going to be rough to actually be good at it. But I think it'll be a fun challenge.

I attempted a Restaurant challenge; "Great Balls of Fire" and got my picture on the wall. Ok, hands down... HOTTEST thing I have ever tried. I LOVE spicy and hot... but this was bad. It felt like I got punched in the stomach and then people continued to punch and kick me in the stomach for hours afterward. But hey, I got my picture on the wall... I did it! Was it worth it? Well that is a different story...

I donated blood. Lots of people were shocked to hear that I had never donated blood. Well I never did it in High School and then after High School I lived in a third world country. Up until now, I couldn't even donate!

I used a fake name at Starbucks. haha, I was "Carl". Kind of lame? Nah. It was loads of fun!
I dined in the theater, while watching a movie. This is a great service that is provided by "Cinetopia" located in Oregon and Washington. You literally dine in the theater in your luxury thrown while watching a movie. I saw "Lincoln" it was WONDERFUL, mainly because I LOVE history and the food was great, I had chicken macaroni and cheese with buttered/glazed bread crumbs on top. DELICIOUS! 

December 21st, 2012:
I got a Tattoo. Ok, maybe I didn't. But when I posted these pictures on Facebook, for all my friends and family to see... I got dozens of text messages and phone calls from concerned friends and family asking me, what the hell I had done! haha. Best prank ever!

Ok, I also dedicated a star this day and named it after myself, kind of like a reminder of what I had accomplished and done for the last 31 days! I ended December 2012 

Finally to end the day, I ordered some pizza from Pizza Hut, I went caroling, made some maple bars and then partied like there was no tomorrow!