Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 7 of 52: Chakras, Gun Shows, and Speed-dating!

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week 7 of 52 (February 11th, 2013 to February 17th, 2013): Chakras, Gun Shows, and Speed-dating!

                At the start of this week I wasn’t sure what I was going to be doing that would be “new to me”, but the following events quickly took place…

                On Wednesday I went in for a haircut and noticed a flyer on the bulletin board where I was getting my haircut. It was for this place called “PowerBrain: Training Center” which had just opened up next door, and offered free “Aura” readings. For those of you who don’t know what an “Aura” reading is; here is a blip from the internet: “an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, it is said that all living things (including humans) and all objects manifest such an aura…”

                Now, this particular reading was done with a computer program and a machine that would read the different “Chakras” in your body. So now the question would be what is a chakra? Again, we consult our best friend the internet: “ Chakras in Hindu metaphysical tradition and other belief systems, are centers of Prāṇa, life force, or vital energy. Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves.”

                Now, this reading was free with the hope that I would sign up for “brain power” class. Not really interested in that; However I had an Aura reading by a psychic last year in November, and I can honestly say that I was blown away with how much she knew and how accurate this machine was with taking my aura. Here is what the Psychic told me last year;

“…So I like to scan your energy field first… part of what I do is Aura readings, and what’s nice to see about you, is you have… a column of beautiful blues with emerald greens mixed in coming into you this way, right on this side of your body (left side). The deep rich colored cobalt blue colors and emerald greens indicate that you are very spiritually connected and very open from the heart. Then right next to that area of deep blues and greens you have beautiful lime colored yellows that show you are taking in a lot higher learning wise, in addition you have a crescent moon of bright yellow over your head, which is really good. Because it shows that you are in the higher learning mode and really a good listener.

Then I look at this side you got a lot of white light, shows that you basically are a person who likes to do what is right wherever you go. That I can tell about you already…”

                I was honestly skeptical about seeing a Psychic, but I can honestly say that some have a gift. I had chills while talking to her, because of the things she knew about me. So I would suggest, even for kicks and giggles to try and get your Aura reading. It is interesting and maybe you can learn more about yourself!

                Now Chakras and Aura readings just didn’t seem like enough this week… oh no… I had to go to a gun show. Now those who know me are probably shocked to hear that I have never gone to a gun show in my life! But, I decided I would check it out… and WOW! 

Why I had never gone to one before, is a mystery to me! All the guns I have ever wanted before my eyes in one place! It was fun to walk around and see what people had, see the new firearms and check out the cool old ones! But you can’t leave a gun show without buying something! I started to get all giddy and realized… hey I have a tax refund coming!!! BAM! Purchased an UZI!! I have always wanted one and now I own one! So Saturday started with a gun show, me purchasing and then going to the range and shooting my new UZI!

                So after having my aura read, and getting my gun fix… what else could I possibly do? Speed Dating of course! I also have never gone speed dating before… but I am glad I went, because it was awesome! I think I went on about 15-20 dates in about 1 hour. I made some connections and got to meet some cool new people. All and all this was a good week! 

Until next week!

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