Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 11 of 52: You Got Served!

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week  11 of 52 (March 11th, 2013 to March 17th, 2013): You Got Served!

                I work for a law firm and my job title is officially “file clerk”, however the responsibilities of my job are as far reaching as the attorneys or their paralegals need them to be! I am often making copies, scanning, getting mail, sorting mail, making coffee, running errands, etc. My days can change drastically, and I really don’t know what I will be doing when I come in for work every morning! This makes my job much more exciting, especially since it is a job to get me through school.

 Last Thursday however I got to do something that I have really never done before (in the three years I have worked at this firm), they needed someone to SERVE papers and they couldn't wait for a process server to do the job. They called me in, handed me the papers and sent me on my way. The nice part is that to serve papers you don’t need any sort of accreditation or training. You just need to simply serve the papers, mark the date and time in which you served the papers and sign an affidavit swearing before the courts that you in fact served the papers! The closest thing that I have done to this is post an eviction notice on someone’s door. It’s kind of like serving papers, but I didn't need to do it in person. Yes, I know, sometimes your job isn't all that fun. After all posting eviction notices or serving someone with lawsuits will never brighten someones day. But, it is a job, and it has to be done.

When I first heard that I would be serving someone the thought came to my mind, of the crazy stories process servers run into, I thank the show “All Worked Up” for that one! I thought I would be like Byron McElderley as he gets smashed into a wall or beaten up by the not so happy person being served. But, luckily for me it was to an attorney and the best part is I got to tell him; “ You've been served”, how often does someone get that opportunity, while actually serving papers? Not too many. I guess I count myself lucky!

With all the bearing of bad news, I figured that I should do at least one more thing that I have never done, which perhaps would be more peaceful and much more uplifting! I decided that my time was very limited this week, as I work almost full time and attend school full time! Oh, did I also mention that this week is finals week!? Well, last night I got a moment to breathe and decided to learn how to make a paper crane. My Origami skills are not the best, but this is what I made! Until next week!

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