Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 15 of 52: Getting Tasered

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week  15 of 52 (April 8th, 2013 to April 14th, 2013): Getting Tasered

Taser Fact: 
50,000 Volts with a powerful 18-26 Watt pulse disrupts the central nervous system and directly controls the skeletal muscles, which causes an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle tissue.

                Well this week was a little different; it seems that only someone like me would put on their bucket list to be Tased. But yeah, I got Tased this week. It was something that I had wanted to do for a long time now, not for “fun” but to know what it was like. I wouldn’t have ever gone out looking for it, but as part of the Citizen’s Academy that I am currently enrolled in, I was given the opportunity to have this done under the supervision of trained Washington County Sheriff’s who do this for their Deputy training on a regular basis.

                Honestly Tasers are NOT deadly. I would have to testify that it is the best non-lethal way to put someone down without seriously hurting them. Yes, it does hurt… but not as bad as you would think and immediately after the current has stopped (which is one a pre-programmed 5 second cycle) you feel completely fine. Perhaps a little dazed, but you could easily be back on your feet running around within a few seconds.

                If you are wondering what it feels like… well… it feels like electricity running through your body, and having all your muscles tense up and your ability to move is basically completely taken from you. It is a weird feeling for sure.

                Here is the video of me being Tased… enjoy.

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