Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 24 of 52: What the Fluke?

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week  24 of 52 (June 10th, 2013 to June 16th, 2013): What the Fluke?

                For this weeks new adventure I headed out to Depoe Bay, Oregon to go on a Whale Watching Adventure… the sad part… I didn’t see any whales. =(

                BUT… two new things happened this week…

                This is the first time I have ever gone out on a small boat in the ocean… the only other time I went on a boat was a Ferry from U.S.A to British Columbia Vancouver in Canada. It was all pretty fun and I was still able to enjoy a speed boat in the ocean and see some birds and seals.

                Oh and if you are wondering… the Fluke is the back “fin” of a whale… I was hoping to get “Fluked” (splashed) by one of them so I could say; “I got Fluked in Depoe Bay” but that never happened.
                I ended this week by also getting to take a ride in the Spruce Goose (a.k.a get my picture in the plane in the same seat where Howard Hughes sat) Until next week!

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