Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 25 of 52: Learn to drive a Manual Transmission

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week  25 of 52 (June 17th, 2013 to June 23rd, 2013): Learn to drive Stick Shift.

                This week was a little bit more boring than most, I did however learn how to drive stick shift (manual transmission). I have driven stick shift before, but I never really made it out of a parking lot or on any major roads… until this last week.

                With my little brother gone on an LDS mission, he left me to take care of his Chevrolet 2500… which has a manual transmission… so I had to learn. Nothing too exciting, but I personally have never driven as much as I have this last week with a manual transmission.

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