Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 1 of 52: Eggnog, Pepsi and Marshmallows?

One, or more new things per week for the 2013 year...
Week 1 of 52 (December 31, 2012 to January 6, 2013):  Eggnog, Pepsi and Marshmallows?

The first week of 2013 has gone by really quickly! Christmas, the New Years it all seems like it went by way too fast! I really enjoyed the extra days off from work, and thoroughly enjoy my break from school. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end; tomorrow I start my full schedule of both work and school, which means keeping up with my new year’s resolutions of going to the gym and doing one new thing per week quite the challenge! But life is a challenge, and with all challenges comes the reward.

                So, you are probably wondering what the deal is with; Eggnog, Pepsi and Marshmallows? That seems like a great way to start off the New Year right? Well a while back a co-worker and friend of mine told me that mixing Eggnog and Pepsi for the Holidays was the best thing ever. My fellow co-workers and I looked at her like she was crazy! Well, I was at the grocery store, last Tuesday (1/1/2013) and saw that they still had some eggnog in the store; I guess it was the leftovers. But it still had not expired, if anyone was wondering! So I decided what the heck… I am going to try this mix of Pepsi and Eggnog! So I bought some eggnog and Pepsi.

                The first step was to pour just a little bit into the bottom of the glass. There really is no science to this, just pour a little into the bottom. 

Then you fill the rest with Pepsi. And the result, looks a lot like a rootbeer float.

                Then you drink and enjoy. 

Honestly I was shocked that this actually was not bad. It tasted pretty good. I don’t think I would do it all the time, but I might make this a Holiday tradition and enjoy one glass of Pepsi and Eggnog in the future!

                Now, you might be thinking to yourself, what about the Marshmallows? Well, a few days in the week had gone by and come Thursday afternoon my throat started to itch, my guess is from the colds that have been going around, and possibly from the lack of sleep I have been getting from the New Years Eve parties, etc. But I saw that I was getting sick and with a full schedule of work and school coming my way, I did not see getting sick as an option! So I hunkered down and slept (hoping a combination of over the counter drugs and lots of sleep would cure me), well I woke up the next day with a sore throat! So I decided to search the internet for home remedies, one caught my eye… Marshmallows  What?! Apparently they worked to soothe sore throats. So I thought, “why not!” so I went to the store and bought a bag of marshmallows, and like magic it soothed my sore throat better than any other cough medicine or other drugs could! Who would have thought? $1.99 bag of Marshmallows helped to soothe my throat, preventing me from coughing and thus helping my body and throat heal! Amazing! From what I found, no one knows why it helps, but it could very well be the gelatin in the marshmallows that helps to soothe your throat when everything else hurts to eat.

                So Week 1 of 52, I learned that Eggnog and Pepsi are actually a tasty combination, when in moderation (like one glass per year) and I also learned that our tasty little campfire friend, the Marshmallow can actually help to soothe sore throats. Who would have ever thought?

                Just remember: “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish” – John Quincy Adams. Until next time!

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