Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Can you believe that it is 2013, already!?! Last night WAS CrAzY!!


This New Year popped up out of nowhere! But the exciting part of the New Year? It's NEW! Which means that we ALL have a CLEAN slate! So what will you be doing in 2013? 

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” 
― Brad Paisley

Every year I make new goals from myself and analyze how well I did on the goals that I had previously set. It is a great way to see where you fell short, and where you were on top! A lot of people make New Year's Resolutions and then don't even try to keep them. Life is busy, and at times life can hand you quiet the adversity and with that may come lots of struggles... but life is meant to be lived and it really truly is a test of how well we can deal with that adversity in our lives. Lets face it, no one is without some sort of struggle in their lives. Not everything can be controlled, but our attitude can be!

So, now that we are in the first day of 2013, make goals for yourself! I will share of few of my goals from last year, and some for 2013:

In 2012;

  •  I made a weight loss goal of 54 lbs, to be lost by the end of the year. I only lost 23 lbs. But I did lose those 23 lbs! 
    • Did I fail? Some people might say, yes. But I don't think I failed. I still did lose weight and better myself physically and mentally. Success.
  • I made a goal to keep a food log, and exercise log. I kept one about 80% of 2012. 
    • Did I fail? No. Why? Because I became more aware of my good, and bad eating habits. Most of which I have put into effect. Success.
  • I made a goal to earn more and save more money. From 2011 to 2012 I received 2 raises at work, managed to work more hours and in the end made an end of the year salary difference of a few thousand dollars. I also managed to put away 10% of what I earned through the year and put it into my savings account.
    • Did I fail? Absolutely not. This was a complete success. Something I will continue throughout 2013 and beyond! Success.
  • I made a goal to finish up at the Community College and transfer into my field of study in 2013.
    • Did I fail? NOPE! I have one more term that starts in a few days and then I will be entering the Business Management program at Portland State University. Success.
  • I made a goal to read through the Old Testament and Blog about it.
    • Did I fail? I could've done a lot better with this one, but I still made it to 2 Chronicles, which is about half way. But, I learned a lot and have the desire to continue reading the Bible in 2013! You can follow that Blog, here: Zach's Scripture Study. Success, in my eyes!
So what are my goals for 2013?

  • Yes MAN! Have you ever seen that movie? If not GO SEE it! This is my general overall theme for 2013! You don't have to say YES to everything, but we should be more open to experience life. I am going to say YES more often then I say NO. That's my underlying goal for 2013! I am not going to hold back! =)
  • Weight loss/Health:
    • Lose 36 lbs, I will do this! That's only 3 lbs, per week! Piece of cake.
  • Social: 
    • Make many new friends! 
    • Be more outgoing!
    • Smile more!
    • Find a good girl to be with.
  • Financial:
    • Continue saving money, 10% or more.
    • Grow my business.
  • Time:
    • Budget my time more appropriately. 
    • Make time to do good.
  • Activities:
    • Have fun, enjoy life.
    • Finish 52+ New Things in 2013.
These are just some of my goals for 2013, what are yours? If you haven't already made goals for 2013, sit down, today and make them. Like I wrote about, it doesn't matter if you don't finish your goals, exactly the way you wrote them down. Get out there and do what YOU want to do. Don't let anyone hold you back! If you even complete a small percentage of your goals, you did more than you would have, without the goals! 

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure"
- Bill Cosby.

Go and make the changes you want in your life!

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